TMI Tuesday-- A Look Inside The Insanity

1. Tell us your top 3 flaws and shortcomings.
I suppose my top three flaws are my mental handicaps. Mostly my misophonia. I can't deal with people like a regular person because of it. I'm usually mentally slow because of my medication. And then there is the fact that I forget everything most of the time and/or block things out from my memory so much that I have holes where days are supposed to be. Blogging has helped me immensely in seeing what sort of things I have been doing each week. TMI Tuesday is really great about this. That's one of the reasons I participate in it.
2. Who do you look up to the most:
– Professionally? I don't really know. I tend to look up to other bloggers who are successful. I get insanely green about seeing blogs better than mine. I just want a nice blog, people. I want comments and fun. That's not such a bad thing.
– Sexually? I don't look up to anyone for this. Seriously. I wouldn't know what I'd be looking up to that person for.
3. How do you like to be comforted when you’re sad or upset?
I like to sleep. Seriously. I sleep to forget my day. Especially if I'm mad. If I'm mad, I don't want to deal with people so I sleep. I've done this all my life and because of this, I instantly get tired if I get sad/upset/mad/etc. It's kind of weirdly ingrained.
a. Give me a hug or acknowledge my situation and sit quietly with me.-- Sometimes I do this.
b. Talk through the situation give me advice or say uplifting things. --- This rarely happens.
c. Leave me alone, let me sulk and wallow in misery.-- Yeah that happens more often than not.
d. Work out, be active to distract myself and up the endorphin and dopamine.-- Not really.
4. Which parent do you identify with the most?
Unfortunately, my father. He and I are freakishly similar. Save for some facts about him. I am usually happier to be around people than he is, though.
Bonus: If you had to choose one thing you were most passionate about, what would it be and why?
Sewing!!!! I love to sew and it's a good way to spend your time. Creating things is so fun. I love to design things from the ground up. You know, draw it out, pattern it, fit it, cut it, stitch it, wear it. All that good stuff.


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