Someone who has made your life worth living: I would definitely, 100% tell you that the person who has made my life worth living is my Owner, Batsz. It started out where all my friends thought he was really creepy and things. I was told not to date him, but something in the back of my mind told me that I was on the right path. I loved this man. I worshiped this man. I wanted him to be mine forever. Now we are in a Owner/pet relationship on top of our regular relationship. And that's great with me. He allows me to play and things, and I encourage him to do whatever he wants. We are monogamous, and it feels absolutely right. Right now, I am typing this as he sleeps. I do not wish to wake him, I feel like I should let him sleep, because he rarely does anyway. I love my Owner with all my heart and pledge my loyalty to him. -Harvest <3's Batsz
Hello all. :3 I’m up to no good again!!! Tee hee. Well, Batsz and I have had a talk and we’ve decided that maybe we can play more and do things slowly. We always talk about how to do things slowly. What spurred this on was a visit to a class thrown by a local dungeon on Subspace, Subdrop, Aftercare, and etc. Everyone had stories and experiences except for me. I felt a little out of place. I want to be able to have my own stories to share with everyone too. I think with my kitten play, I have my kitten headspace, and I think that is different than subspace. I am not entirely sure that they are the same thing. I’ll have to do some research into that some more. This Friday I get to go to a support group meeting for subs. I love going to those meetings and talking to everyone and generally having an interesting time learning and things. In other news, I will be trying to take on someone as my little girl. She is very sweet. She and I decided that I would make a good ...
So I'm into Elegant Gothic Lolita (EGL or Lolita). It's something that I have always been into. I'm not sure why it appeals to me to be honest. I like the idea that you can dress like a princess and no one will bother you about it (unless they're some kind of hateful numbnut...). I am very much into Sweet Lolita. I love the color pink (shock) and also black (also shock). I want to wear the pretty dresses and just generally have a good time. I want to sew my things and create new things for myself all the time. There's nothing wrong with this in my opinion. I get a lot of comments about how Lolita is about children and things. This is not true. I do not like that people are saying that about it. It's pretty dark and disturbing when you think about it. A lot of it is based off of Alice in Wonderland, which in itself is a pretty disturbing story. This doesn't really answer the question of what Lolita is though, does it? So... Lolita is a type of dress t...
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