SJP-- What I Love About Myself

Hey guys. Harvest here. Sorry for my unusually long break. I have been taking a bit of a mental health vacation again. You all know that I have a hard time getting to a point where I feel like I am in a good place.

I feel like this is a good time to go about talking about something more positive, so I found a very positive journal prompt that I could try.


The prompt is simple: List some things that you love about yourself.

So. I suppose I should make a small list.

  • I like the fact that I know how to sew.-- It is a handy skill and I can help a lot of people out with that skill, even if it's sewing on buttons or zippers and the like. I like the fact that I can make my own patterns if I choose to and make my own outfits. I want to improve my sewing skills, but I think I'm doing pretty well at the moment. But there is always room for improvement. I want to learn how to do quilts. I think I would have fun making them. I would make them as gifts for people and I bet I could find a way to make a kinky quilt!!
  • I like the fact that I can make people laugh. I know through my pain I can make people laugh and have a good time. I say my pain becuase it feel like that the things I have gone through in my life (which are mostly painful. I learn things the hard way after all) are what give my stories life.
  • I like the fact that I can make friends easy enough. I can start a conversation with just about anyone. It's a great feeling. I like learning new languages so I can make friends in other languages as well. I've kind of dabbled in japanese, french, german, russian, spanish, and sign language. Of the list of languages, I only understand spanish and sign language well enough.
  • I like that I know how to care for and train animals well enough. I grew up breeding AKC registered cocker spaniels so I know quite a bit about birthing puppies and also kittens (they're pretty similar). It's something that I enjoy doing because playing with puppies and kittens could be one of the greatest joys on the face of the Earth.
  • I like that I can do some belly dance moves and pass some of my information and fun along to other people. Belly dancing brings me great joy and freedom. I feel alive when I dance. I suppose this goes for any dance I know though because I really love the fact that I can dance like a crazy person.
  • I like that I have a blog that people actually read. My readers (you!) are important to me. I care for all of you and want to show you my life.
  • I love that I have a great support network that I can rely on. I don't know if that is something that I would say I like about myself, but I kind of do.
  • And now: I like that I am FINALLY starting to follow my dreams.

I mean, that's kind of a lot really when you think about it. I can't wait to tell everyone what I am doing for following my dreams finally. I may have to make a special post just to tell you all about what I'm doing and if you think you can help me along, please let me know once it's posted.

I needed this post because lately I feel very used. I feel like people aren't taking me seriously. I feel like no one is proud of anything I do and it makes me suffer internally. I don't know. Maybe I'm just a huge wy-bag ("whine bag").

Hopefully you will see me around some more. I'm going to try to keep up with things again and get back to doing TMI Tuesdays if they are still doing them and whatnot.

Lots of love,
-Harvest Hellion


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