
Showing posts from May, 2016

Harvest Presents: Prostate Cancer

Hey guys. I have something important to talk to you about today! Prostate Cancer! Now, I know you guys know I am a genderfluid who was assigned female at birth, so this is kind of a new topic for me to checck out. I'm all for keeping everyone healthy. I also would like to post a disclaimer that I am not a doctor and I cannot give you 100% correct information. This is from my personal research and merely suggestions as to what I would do if I were in your shoes. You do not have to do this. I am not requiring you to do so. Like I said, I am no doctor, nor do I play one on blogspot (ha ha). I don't know a lot on prostate cancer but I decided that I will take a look. As you know, the prostate is a gland in males (I'm not sure about female??) that you can access via inserting ones fingers inside of the rectum. But I learned there are two ways to discern if someone has prostate cancer or not. The two types of tests are the prostate-specific antigen (PSA)  testing and the o...

SJP-- What I Love About Myself

Hey guys. Harvest here. Sorry for my unusually long break. I have been taking a bit of a mental health vacation again. You all know that I have a hard time getting to a point where I feel like I am in a good place. I feel like this is a good time to go about talking about something more positive, so I found a very positive journal prompt that I could try.  http:/// The prompt is simple: List some things that you love about yourself. So. I suppose I should make a small list. I like the fact that I know how to sew.-- It is a handy skill and I can help a lot of people out with that skill, even if it's sewing on buttons or zippers and the like. I like the fact that I can make my own patterns if I choose to and make my own outfits. I want to improve my sewing skills, but I think I'm doing pretty well at the moment. But there is always room for improvement. I want to learn how to do quilts. I think I would have fun making them. I would make them...