Halloween Incoming!

It’s been a while again. Sorry about that guys.


May or may not still be a mommy. Some choices have come up and some health issues have come up on my part that I may not be able to commit to those duties properly. There have been other issues that have come up as well, but I am thinking that those are a bit personal and not wanting to share those here at the present time. Just know that I probably won’t be a mommy if I am for very long to begin with.

This weekend is the Halloween play party. I was hoping that I would get to play some this party but once again my Owner has chosen not to play or let me play with others. I want to get out there and show him what I can do, but I don’t want him freaking out either. ‘Tis the trouble with having a very vanilla partner. I don’t know. I guess I’m just really needy sometimes…. Most of the time I guess. I just don’t like being seen that way by people I suppose.

I have my costume ready for this Saturday, but my Owner does not. He has been working non-stop on his costume. I can’t wait to see it when it’s finished. I might post some of the pictures we get of it while we are out there with his helmet on so you can see the detail in the helmet as well. This will be really cool. Maybe I’ll put a picture of myself up here, too. It will definitely be in my costume.

Role-playing is one of my biggest fetishes. I want to dress up and things all the time. I want to wear all sorts of costumes when I play. I think that there are a lot of angles that could be played at in different scenes.

I’m having a lazy day again. I have to come up with a pattern or the pumpkin carving contest that’s going to be happening on Saturday as well. I think that I will do a logo of some form or a chubby mudflap girl. I like the second idea, but I have seen some really challenging designs that make me want to really step it up. I’ll post pictures here when I remember to when I am finished. Maybe also in my costume as well. Hee hee hee.

I can’t wait to have fun on Halloween, too!!



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