
For those of you who happen to know that I live in Oklahoma (if you didn't, you do now), I wanted to express that both my Owner and I are safe. His car got mangled a bit from the tennis ball sized hail, but it is still possibly drivable. We are going to go to our other home (we live in two) and check for damage there and hope that everything is okay.

My parents are okay, as well as my brother; I talked to them last night online when the power stopped flashing so much.

I am sending positive thoughts out to all of those people who suffered in the horrible tornadoes that have plagued Oklahoma for the past month, as I have with all the people who I have sent out positive thoughts for in the past. I am incapable of doing anything to help others at the moment, and it feels like a complete shame. I wish I could be there helping out, but I know that we have our own troubles to deal with currently, as with the chance that the car might be totaled.

If you are reading this, please send positive thoughts, donations to the Oklahoma Red Cross, or donations of things to Oklahoma in some way. When I find ways for you to do this, I will update another status after a while.

Thank you all, my lovely readers.
-Harvest and Batsz


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